When 11-year-old Victor was in foster care, his worker helped him understand that “the family doesn’t just choose you, you also choose them.” As an adult reflecting on that time, he says, “I think that’s why it doesn’t feel like so much trauma.”
For an Ohio adoptive mother, her case worker is “the best advocate.” A foster parent in Rhode Island describes her worker as “a breath of fresh air in our journey.”
You make a difference in the lives of children and families. This week is Child Welfare Worker Appreciation Week, and AdoptUSKids wants to extend a big THANK YOU for all you do in this field.
AdoptUSKids can help you in your work
- On our website, find tools created for you and tune into free webinars on topics like preventing adoption disruption and recruiting families of color.
- Check out the MPLD program. It’s designed for emerging leaders working in the child welfare field. Fellows get hands-on experience, exposure to national experts, and mentorship opportunities.
- Contact consultation@adoptuskids.org to discuss how AdoptUSKids can help your state, territory, or tribe build capacity.
- Learn about how our ad campaign and speakers bureau can support your awareness and recruitment efforts.
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