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How to support foster, adoptive, and kinship families of color

Presenters explain why Black and Brown families need unique support from the child welfare system, highlight key strategies for supporting Black and Brown families, and share stories from child welfare leaders with lived experience.

Audience: This webinar is intended for professionals involved in supporting adoptive, foster, and kinship families of color.

Year presented: 2022

View the webinar

Source correction: Level setting comes from Singleton, Glenn E. 2014. Courageous Conversations about Race. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.



AdoptUSKids authors include experts in child welfare, communications, evaluation, and/or technology from across the United States. Together, they drive the AdoptUSKids project, as it supports foster and adoptive families, raises awareness about the nationwide need for more of these families, and provides resources to child welfare systems and professionals.

Cultural competence  Family support strategies  Webinar