Our Diligent Recruitment Navigator is a customizable tool that guides you through the process of developing a comprehensive, multifaceted diligent recruitment program. It provides suggested discussion questions and people to include in the process of developing a diligent recruitment program.
When should I use this tool?
Use the Diligent Recruitment Navigator when you are developing your diligent recruitment plan due to the Children’s Bureau as part of the Child and Family Services Plan and for making periodic updates to your plan and reporting progress.
You may also want to use it when:
- A new legislative initiative or lawsuit requires your child welfare system to change your foster or adoptive parent recruitment practices or increase your system’s number of approved families
- You want to develop data-informed messaging for the press or legislative testimony
- You want to explore ways to have your efforts be more data driven.
Related resources
Tribal supplement to the Diligent Recruitment Navigator
Family First Act supplement to the Diligent Recruitment Navigator