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AdoptUSKids recruiting new speakers bureau members!

Spokesfamily - Mother, father and son posing outdoors
Speakers bureau spokesfamily - Mother, father and son posing outdoors

You know that families who’ve fostered and adopted are one of your best recruitment tools.

But did you know that AdoptUSKids has a speakers bureau of more than 100 parents and foster care alums from all over the US and Puerto Rico who are actively raising awareness of the need for families and the rewards of adopting?

Members of our speakers bureau receive media training—either in-person or online—and coaching from communications professionals to help them tell their story in a compelling way. They speak at national events, such as National Adoption Month and our annual campaign launch and media tour. They also help to raise awareness on the state and local level, speaking with regional media, to service groups, at church or synagogue, and through social media.

Read more about the role of speakers bureau members.

Being a speakers bureau member benefits families, too

While spokesfamilies are helping AdoptUSKids, states, and agencies perform the critical job of recruiting families, they are also developing their public speaking skills, strengthening their family relationships, and experiencing the rewards of advocating for necessary change. In the words of one family:

“The speakers bureau has been a great place to share our adoption story, build relationships with professionals in the field, and develop long lasting friendships with other adoptive families.” ~ Raenell Crenshaw

Do you know a family who would be interested in joining our speakers bureau? We’re especially looking for families who adopted teens and alum who were adopted as teens. Please contact our communications director, Melissa Otero: