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AdoptUSKids launches new ad campaign

Woman holding lasagna in kitchen
Woman holding lasagna in kitchen

For 16 years, AdoptUSKids has partnered with The Ad Council and the Children’s Bureau on a National Adoption Recruitment Campaign to raise awareness of adoption from foster care.

Two new TV PSAs and radio ads focus on the need for families for teens. Inspired by real families, these ads highlight the heartwarming moments that adoptive parents and teens share. Featuring the tag line, “You Can’t Imagine the Reward,” the PSAs reassure prospective parents that adopting a teen can also help them grow in new and life-changing ways.

The spots are professionally produced by a volunteer advertising agency and are based on extensive research. The use emotional stories that resonate with the target audience of prospective parents as well as with media outlets.

You can watch all of the TV PSAs on our YouTube channel.