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2023 adoption and foster care ads: “You can’t imagine the reward”

A mother and daughter smiling while they hug, with trees in the background
A mother and daughter smiling while they hug, with trees in the background

New public service advertisements (PSAs) highlight the rewards of adopting a teen from foster care.

For nearly 20 years, the Children’s Bureau has partnered with AdoptUSKids and the Ad Council on a National Adoption Recruitment Campaign to raise awareness of adoption from foster care.

And while we’ve done this many times before, we’ve rarely featured real families. That changes this year: the parents and youth you see in the PSAs are not actors. See actual adoptive families sharing their adoption from foster care stories and detailing how rewarding the journey has been for both parents and teens—in their own words.

The message: parents are adopted, too.

Teens play an active role in choosing their family in the adoption from foster care process, and the decision to become a family is a reciprocal and powerful one. In the campaign’s new “Parents Adopted” PSAs, adoptive parents reminisce about how they too were “adopted” during this emotionally-rewarding, mutual process. Together, adoptive parents and teens share openly about choosing to be each other’s family.

The tag line, “You Can’t Imagine the Reward,” is meant to show prospective parents that adopting a teen can foster a life of deep and mutual rewards.

The PSAs are based on extensive research and feature actual adoptive families.

Watch all of our TV PSAs on our YouTube channel.

We can customize the PSAs for your agency for free!

The PSAs can be customized for sharing on your social media channels and at recruitment events and orientations. We’ll add your agency name, logo, phone number, and website address to our PSAs—at no cost!

To learn more and request free PSA localization, contact Melissa Otero, national campaign director for AdoptUSKids.