NAYA builds cultural connections for tribal families
NAYA provides culturally appropriate individual and family-based support that helps build understanding of and maintain Native cultural traditions and connections in Portland, OR.
NAYA provides culturally appropriate individual and family-based support that helps build understanding of and maintain Native cultural traditions and connections in Portland, OR.
“Hub homes” offer families mentoring, respite, social activities, and other supportive services.
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services contracts with private agencies provide intensive, in-home services to improve family functioning and children’s behaviors.
FosterAdopt Connect recruits, trains, and supports foster, kinship, and adoptive parents with services, including parent mentoring, specialized support groups, and in-home residential treatment in parts of Missouri.
This therapeutic foster care program in Baltimore works with children who have experienced complex trauma and are at risk for institutional placements and trains and supports foster parents.
KEEP’s 16-week program improves outcomes and placement stability for children ages 5-12 in Oregon, New York City, Baltimore, and 12 sites in England.