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A comprehensive guide on supporting families

This comprehensive guide is intended to equip state, tribal, and territorial child welfare managers and administrators—as well as family support organizations—with current information about effective strategies for developing data-driven family support services and research findings to help them make the case for implementing and sustaining these services.

Author: AdoptUSKids

Published: 2015

View the guide

Support Matters: Lessons from the Field on Services for Adoptive, Foster, and Kinship Care Families (1.4 MB PDF)

Individual chapters and tools



AdoptUSKids authors include experts in child welfare, communications, evaluation, and/or technology from across the United States. Together, they drive the AdoptUSKids project, as it supports foster and adoptive families, raises awareness about the nationwide need for more of these families, and provides resources to child welfare systems and professionals.

Family support strategies  Guide or report  Parent groups  Peer support  Respite  Sample support programs